As COVID-19 continues to affect our planet and sweeps the nation, many people are shifting to a “new normal”…work from home (WFH). Working from the comfort of your own place seemed amazing at first, but it can be difficult to stay motivated and productive after a while. We don’t mean to brag, but we integrated remote work long before the Coronavirus outbreak. So, some of our team members have been working from home for years. We spoke with members of various departments and gathered tips to help you stay focused during these unprecedented times:
- Take Time For Yourself Before Starting Work
“I always meditate and pray before I start my day when I am working from home”
– Alison, Sales
It’s often hard to get motivated to start working when you’re working remotely. Doing something for yourself first can go a long way. Try making a healthy breakfast, getting some exercise, or practicing some controlled breathing before checking your emails. When you do something simple yet productive for yourself, it puts you in the right mindset to channel productive energy into your job.
- Get Dressed & Wear Shoes
“When working from home I always make sure to get dressed before I even check my emails. I also wear shoes to help me maintain good posture at my desk.”
- Emily, Marketing
Spending the whole day in your PJs is great…for about a week. After a while though, it’s important to still get dressed like you’re going to work. Wearing what you’d typically wear to the office will make you more inclined to act like you would at the office. Wearing shoes keeps your feet on the ground, which helps you to sit up straight and maintain focus. We never claimed this was fun advice but it’s worth a try if you’re having trouble getting things done in your basketball shorts.
- Set a Work-Life / Home-Life Balance
“To stay focused while working from home I set boundaries between my “home life” and my “work life”. It’s important to know when to shut down and end your day. A tip for working from home is to always try to stick to a schedule”
- Jay, Operations
As easy as it can be to slack off while working from home, it can be just as easy to over-work yourself. Keeping a set schedule can be really challenging but if you can stick to it you’ll find yourself breathing easier in the evenings. If you know you put in a good day’s work you can “clock-out” at night. Whether you struggle with feeling like you’re not working enough or you’re working all the time because it’s always accessible, it may help to use an app to keep track. Clock time whenever you’re being truly productive and make sure you’re not working too much or too little. It’s important to have a “home life” that’s separate from your “work life” even if they are overlapping more than usual right now.
- Set Achievable & Motivating Goals
“I stay motivated while working from home by…setting goals; i.e.; finish this task before I get my next cup of coffee, send these emails before I check my phone, work on this project before I wrap-up the day.”
- Bobby, Founder/President
It’s really easy to get distracted when working from home, so it takes discipline. It can also be extremely productive, and obviously far less stressful without the commute (trains, traffic jams, parking, etc.). Set your goals for the day in the morning and manage your way through.
- Remember To Smile
“When you’re making calls have a mirror to your left or right. Why a mirror you say? Because when you look at yourself talking, you need to smile: it will deliver a calmer, more helpful approach. Try it; you’ll see the difference.”
- Eric, Sales
It’s pretty natural to smile when talking to other people in person but many of us forget to on phone and video calls. Keeping a mirror nearby can remind you to smile more which not only makes you come across as friendly but is also good for your happiness. Endorphins are released when you smile making us feel happy and less stressed. Who couldn’t use a few extra endorphins in these crazy times?
We appreciate you taking the time to read our tips! We hope you find them helpful. Let us know what worked for you and share other tips by leaving a comment below or sending us a message!